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WildFly 10

EE Subsystem Configuration


The EE subsystem provides common functionality in the Java EE platform, such as the EE Concurrency Utilities (JSR 236) and @Resource injection. The subsystem is also responsible for managing the lifecycle of Java EE application's deployments, that is, .ear files.

The EE subsystem configuration may be used to:

  • customise the deployment of Java EE applications

  • create EE Concurrency Utilities instances

  • define the default bindings

The subsystem name is ee and this document covers EE subsystem version 2.0, which XML namespace within WildFly XML configurations is urn:jboss:domain:ee:2.0. The path for the subsystem's XML schema, within WildFly's distribution, is docs/schema/jboss-as-ee_2_0.xsd.

Subsystem XML configuration example with all elements and attributes specified:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:2.0" >
        <module name="org.jboss.logging"
        <module name="org.apache.log4j"
                services="false" />
                    use-transaction-setup-provider="true" />
                    priority="1" />
                    reject-policy="RETRY_ABORT" />
                    reject-policy="RETRY_ABORT" />
            managed-thread-factory="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/factory/default" />

Java EE Application Deployment

The EE subsystem configuration allows the customisation of the deployment behaviour for Java EE Applications.

Global Modules

Global modules is a set of JBoss Modules that will be added as dependencies to the JBoss Module of every Java EE deployment. Such dependencies allows Java EE deployments to see the classes exported by the global modules.

Each global module is defined through the module resource, an example of its XML configuration:

    <module name="org.jboss.logging" slot="main"/>
    <module name="org.apache.log4j" annotations="true" meta-inf="true" services="false" />

The only mandatory attribute is the JBoss Module name, the slot attribute defaults to main, and both define the JBoss Module ID to reference.

The optional annotations attribute, which defaults to false, indicates if a pre-computed annotation index should be imported from META-INF/jandex.idx

The optional services attribute indicates if any services exposed in META-INF/services should be made available to the deployments class loader, and defaults to false.

The optional meta-inf attribute, which defaults to true, indicates if the Module's META-INF path should be available to the deployment's class loader.

EAR Subdeployments Isolation

A flag indicating whether each of the subdeployments within a .ear can access classes belonging to another subdeployment within the same .ear. The default value is false, which allows the subdeployments to see classes belonging to other subdeployments within the .ear.


For example:

|--- web.war
|--- ejb1.jar
|--- ejb2.jar

If the ear-subdeployments-isolated is set to false, then the classes in web.war can access classes belonging to ejb1.jar and ejb2.jar. Similarly, classes from ejb1.jar can access classes from ejb2.jar (and vice-versa).

This flag has no effect on the isolated classloader of the .war file(s), i.e. irrespective of whether this flag is set to true or false, the .war within a .ear will have a isolated classloader, and other subdeployments within that .ear will not be able to access classes from that .war. This is as per spec.

Property Replacement

The EE subsystem configuration includes flags to configure whether system property replacement will be done on XML descriptors and Java Annotations included in Java EE deployments.

System properties etc are resolved in the security context of the application server itself, not the deployment that contains the file. This means that if you are running with a security manager and enable this property, a deployment can potentially access system properties or environment entries that the security manager would have otherwise prevented.

Spec Descriptor Property Replacement

Flag indicating whether system property replacement will be performed on standard Java EE XML descriptors. If not configured this defaults to true, however it is set to false in the standard configuration files shipped with WildFly.


JBoss Descriptor Property Replacement

Flag indicating whether system property replacement will be performed on WildFly proprietary XML descriptors, such as jboss-app.xml. This defaults to true.


Annotation Property Replacement

Flag indicating whether system property replacement will be performed on Java annotations. The default value is false.


EE Concurrency Utilities

EE Concurrency Utilities (JSR 236) were introduced with Java EE 7, to ease the task of writing multithreaded Java EE applications. Instances of these utilities are managed by WildFly, and the related configuration provided by the EE subsystem.

Context Services

The Context Service is a concurrency utility which creates contextual proxies from existent objects. WildFly Context Services are also used to propagate the context from a Java EE application invocation thread, to the threads internally used by the other EE Concurrency Utilities. Context Service instances may be created using the subsystem XML configuration:

	use-transaction-setup-provider="true" />

The name attribute is mandatory, and it's value should be a unique name within all Context Services.

The jndi-name attribute is also mandatory, and defines where in the JNDI the Context Service should be placed.

The optional use-trasaction-setup-provider attribute indicates if the contextual proxies built by the Context Service should suspend transactions in context, when invoking the proxy objects, and its value defaults to true.

Management clients, such as the WildFly CLI, may also be used to configure Context Service instances. An example to add and remove one named other:


Managed Thread Factories

The Managed Thread Factory allows Java EE applications to create new threads. WildFly Managed Thread Factory instances may also, optionally, use a Context Service instance to propagate the Java EE application thread’s context to the new threads. Instance creation is done through the EE subsystem, by editing the subsystem XML configuration:

	priority="1" />

The name attribute is mandatory, and it's value should be a unique name within all Managed Thread Factories.

The jndi-name attribute is also mandatory, and defines where in the JNDI the Managed Thread Factory should be placed.

The optional context-service references an existent Context Service by its name. If specified then thread created by the factory will propagate the invocation context, present when creating the thread.

The optional priority indicates the priority for new threads created by the factory, and defaults to 5.

Management clients, such as the WildFly CLI, may also be used to configure Managed Thread Factory instances. An example to add and remove one named other:


Managed Executor Services

The Managed Executor Service is the Java EE adaptation of Java SE Executor Service, providing to Java EE applications the functionality of asynchronous task execution. WildFly is responsible to manage the lifecycle of Managed Executor Service instances, which are specified through the EE subsystem XML configuration:

	reject-policy="RETRY_ABORT" />

The name attribute is mandatory, and it's value should be a unique name within all Managed Executor Services.

The jndi-name attribute is also mandatory, and defines where in the JNDI the Managed Executor Service should be placed.

The optional context-service references an existent Context Service by its name. If specified then the referenced Context Service will capture the invocation context present when submitting a task to the executor, which will then be used when executing the task.

The optional thread-factory references an existent Managed Thread Factory by its name, to handle the creation of internal threads. If not specified then a Managed Thread Factory with default configuration will be created and used internally.

The mandatory core-threads provides the number of threads to keep in the executor's pool, even if they are idle. A value of 0 means there is no limit.

The optional queue-length indicates the number of tasks that can be stored in the input queue. The default value is 0, which means the queue capacity is unlimited.

The executor’s task queue is based on the values of the attributes core-threads and queue-length:

  • If queue-length is 0, or queue-length is Integer.MAX_VALUE (2147483647) and core-threads is 0, direct handoff queuing strategy will be used and a synchronous queue will be created.

  • If queue-length is Integer.MAX_VALUE but core-threads is not 0, an unbounded queue will be used.

  • For any other valid value for queue-length, a bounded queue wil be created.

The optional hung-task-threshold defines a threshold value, in milliseconds, to hung a possibly blocked task. A value of 0 will never hung a task, and is the default.

The optional long-running-tasks is a hint to optimize the execution of long running tasks, and defaults to false.

The optional max-threads defines the the maximum number of threads used by the executor, which defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE (2147483647).

The optional keepalive-time defines the time, in milliseconds, that an internal thread may be idle. The attribute default value is 60000.

The optional reject-policy defines the policy to use when a task is rejected by the executor. The attribute value may be the default ABORT, which means an exception should be thrown, or RETRY_ABORT, which means the executor will try to submit it once more, before throwing an exception. 

Management clients, such as the WildFly CLI, may also be used to configure Managed Executor Service instances. An example to add and remove one named other:

/subsystem=ee/managed-executor-service=other:add(jndi-name=java\:jboss\/ee\/executor\/other, core-threads=2)

Managed Scheduled Executor Services

The Managed Scheduled Executor Service is the Java EE adaptation of Java SE Scheduled Executor Service, providing to Java EE applications the functionality of scheduling task execution. WildFly is responsible to manage the lifecycle of Managed Scheduled Executor Service instances, which are specified through the EE subsystem XML configuration:

	reject-policy="RETRY_ABORT" />

The name attribute is mandatory, and it's value should be a unique name within all Managed Scheduled Executor Services.

The jndi-name attribute is also mandatory, and defines where in the JNDI the Managed Scheduled Executor Service should be placed.

The optional context-service references an existent Context Service by its name. If specified then the referenced Context Service will capture the invocation context present when submitting a task to the executor, which will then be used when executing the task.

The optional thread-factory references an existent Managed Thread Factory by its name, to handle the creation of internal threads. If not specified then a Managed Thread Factory with default configuration will be created and used internally.

The mandatory core-threads provides the number of threads to keep in the executor's pool, even if they are idle. A value of 0 means there is no limit.

The optional hung-task-threshold defines a threshold value, in milliseconds, to hung a possibly blocked task. A value of 0 will never hung a task, and is the default.

The optional long-running-tasks is a hint to optimize the execution of long running tasks, and defaults to false.

The optional keepalive-time defines the time, in milliseconds, that an internal thread may be idle. The attribute default value is 60000.

The optional reject-policy defines the policy to use when a task is rejected by the executor. The attribute value may be the default ABORT, which means an exception should be thrown, orRETRY_ABORT, which means the executor will try to submit it once more, before throwing an exception. 

Management clients, such as the WildFly CLI, may also be used to configure Managed Scheduled Executor Service instances. An example to add and remove one named other:

/subsystem=ee/managed-scheduled-executor-service=other:add(jndi-name=java\:jboss\/ee\/scheduler\/other, core-threads=2)

Default EE Bindings

The Java EE Specification mandates the existence of a default instance for each of the following resources:

  • Context Service

  • Datasource

  • JMS Connection Factory

  • Managed Executor Service

  • Managed Scheduled Executor Service

  • Managed Thread Factory

The EE subsystem looks up the default instances from JNDI, using the names in the default bindings configuration, before placing those in the standard JNDI names, such as java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService:

	managed-thread-factory="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/factory/default" />

The default bindings are optional, if the jndi name for a default binding is not configured then the related resource will not be available to Java EE applications.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 13:40:20 UTC, last content change 2014-07-02 22:35:01 UTC.